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  • Celebration Assembly

    Fri 11 Jul 2014

    ** Celebration Assembly **


    We had a jam-packed Celebration Assembly yesterday, with a special visitor, Mr Raine.


    To start us off the Year 5/6 gymnasts very confidently demonstrated the display that they did at the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay celebration at the start of June.


    We then found out that the Stars of the Week were:-

    Badgers - Aimee for excellent work all week and being really good at working independently

    Hedgehogs - Fergus for making up his own gymnastics routine at an event in Ashford, then remembering and performing it.

    Owls - Kate for always putting in extra effort, being sensible and looking out for others.

    Otters - Sophie for trying her hardest at Sports Day, even though she had an injury.


    Well done to you all!


    We were then treated to a Street Dancing display by Adam from Year 2, who attends classes in his spare time.


    The Year 3/4 gymnasts then demonstrated their wonderful individual displays from the county finals.


    Finally, Mr Raine was called up to the front as he has retired from the governing body after 12 years of service to the school.  Mrs Morris, the Chair of Governors, presented him with a token of appreciation from the school, and he was also given a card that the children had made featuring a self-portrait of each and every one, which he was thrilled with.  His wit and wisdom will be missed at governing body meetings, and we thank him very much for all that he has done for the school.


    Have a good weekend everyone, and we'll see you on Monday for our final week of the year!


  • Stars of the Week

    Mon 07 Jul 2014



    Last week's Stars of the Week were:-


    Badgers - Athi for writing 12 pirate facts!

    Hedgehogs - Daniel for great maths work using formal column addition.

    Owls - Sienna for focussing on her work and great effort.

    Otters - Sasha for fantastic work with rotational symmetry


    Well done everyone!  Apologies for the delay in posting again - not enough hours in the day at the moment!

  • Sports Day!

    Fri 04 Jul 2014
    It's Sports Day today, starting at 1:30pm and including races for the mums, dads and toddlers! Following on from that at 3pm is Stowting CEP School PTA Summer Fair with stalls for all the family, prizes to be won, and The Great Stowting Bake Off!! See you all there